Mividas Installer is our product for configuring and deploying products that are available for your specific license key. Here you will also specify default settings to simplify the installation of our various products, which we will go through in this section.
We assume that you have already followed and completed the set up of the Mividas virtual machine in your server network. If not, please see the VM deployment documentation before proceeding.
Set a new password
After completing the set up of Mividas virtual machine, you will have access to both IP number and URL via the machine’s command line.
You can now from a computer with access to the server’s network navigate via your browser to the displayed URL, which takes you to the Mividas Installer interface.
https://<IP address>:8999
. If this is the first time you are visiting Mividas Installer via the browser, the first thing you will need to do is choose a password for your installation. The password you choose will be the one used for all future access to Mividas Installer, so it is important that you save this. Simply enter your desired password and click “Create password” to proceed.
Activate your license key
After you have entered the password and are now logged in to Mividas Installer, the next step is to activate your license key.
Here we will go through how to proceed if your server has access to the internet. If your server does not have internet access, please see the Mividas Installer in offline environment documentation.
If you have not entered a license key, the first thing you encounter on the Mividas Installer start page is a notice stating that you do not currently have an active license key. Then start by clicking on “Set license key” in the notice to proceed.
In the next step, enter the license key you received from your distributor. The check box “Ignore verification errors and save anyway” is primarily used in environments where Mividas virtual machine does not have access to the Internet, you can read more about this in the section Mividas Installer in offline environment.
In cases where the virtual machine has access to the internet, the checkbox should be left unchecked to validate the license and get a list of licensed components. Fill in your license key in the text box and click on “Submit” to proceed.
Active license
You can see an overview and status of your current license key by navigating to “Settings” at the top of the page and then clicking on the “Active license” tab. Here you can see which products the license key applies to, and at what time the license key expires for each product.
Change license key
Change your license key by navigating to “Settings” via the top menu of the page followed by going to the “Change license key” tab. Here you simply enter your new license key in the text field and hit “Submit” to proceed.