One Mividas Core installation can have one or many Mividas Core Portal user frontends for scheduling meetings, using both Portal instances for specified customers or a shared instances for multiple customers

If you install Mividas Core and Mividas Core Meeting Portal at the same time, these settings will be automatically configured for the default Customer (tenant).

Follow the instructions below to add a new or separate Meeting Portal installation or modify the connected customer

Install a separate Meeting Portal server

For service providers and large installation we recommend a separate VM for Mividas Meeting Portal(s).

Follow the VM deployment guide and use the same license key as the first server.

To only install Mividas Core Meeting Portal, press “Install new product” and select “Mividas Core + Rooms” or “Mividas Core” depending on your license. On the next step when selecting component, don’t select Mividas Core, (i.e. only Mividas Core Portal and maybe Outlook Addin if should be used). You need to enter the FQDN for the Mividas Core installation under “Book API key” (see below).

Make sure to import any custom Root CA-certificates from the certificate configured for Mividas Core on the Portal server to allow SSL-connection between them

Book API key-settings in Installer

Relevant form fields:

External Mividas Core server domain name – FQDN for the Mividas Core main hostname. E.g. “”.

Default customer shared key – This key will be matched to an existing Customer in Mividas Core using the Customer shared keys. (Backend admin > Provider > Customer, click on the relevant customer name).

Disable dynamic customer shared key – Check this box to lock this Mividas Portal to a single Customer. If you are using a central Mividas Core Portal for multiple tenants, leave this unchecked to dynamically match Customer keys using the LDAP users DN tree, or the Default customer shared key as a fallback. See LDAP customer matching below.

API Key – This is the main API-key to allow communication between this Mividas Core Portal-installation and Mividas Core. This must be approved in Mividas Core Backend admin > API Keys > Scheduling portal API-keys.

LDAP multitenant customer matching

If Disable dynamic customer shared key is not checked in the Installer, the Customer shared key will be dynamically generated from the DN of the logged in users LDAP tree..

See Multi-tenant API Key/customer-matching for more information

Mapping example: One static customer with a dedicated Portal

Mividas Installer > Mividas Meeting Portal > Book API settings:

External Mividas Core server domain
Default customer shared keyabc123
Disable dynamic customer shared key(checked)
API keyqwerty987 […]

Mividas Core > Backend admin > API Keys > Scheduling portal API Keys:

Keyqwerty987 […]

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