A unique feature that makes Mividas Core so powerful is Core’s centralized scheduling engine that many of Mividas other products rely on for handling meeting scheduling.

Both scheduling of video meetings and invitations for participants take place through Core’s scheduling engine as well as scheduling information sent from Microsoft Exchange integration using Microsoft EWS (Exchange Web Services) and/or the new Microsoft Graph API integration.

Since the entire scheduling process takes place through Mividas Core, there is no need for any integration with Exchange service. For example when scheduling video meetings via the Mividas Outlook add-in, this enables video meeting scheduling for organizations that requires to not have the meeting information sent trough Exchange.

You reach the overview of scheduled meetings by navigating to Scheduled meetings via the left menu in Mividas Core.

Page actions

In the top right of the page you will find these different page actions:

  • – Schedule a new video meeting. Manually created schedules cannot be changed and should therefore primarily be used for testing purposes only.
  • – Refresh the current page.
  • – Link to Mividas documentation.

Scheduled meetings overview

The table shows all scheduled meetings based on your active search query and filtering options. Both free text search and filtering on date ranges are available at the top left of the table while more advanced filtering is explained in more detail below. These columns are available for the meetings:

  • Title – Clicking the meeting title will redirect you to the details view for the specific meeting explained in the topic Meeting details below.
  • Endpoints – If you have an active installation of Mividas Rooms with managed conferencing systems this column will be available with a list of video conferencing systems invited to the meeting.
  • Start time – When the meeting starts.
  • End time – When the meeting ends.
  • Type – The type of meeting, e.g. Meeting, External meeting or Webinar.
  • Created by – The user who created the meeting.


You will find the filter button ( ) at the top right of the schedule meeting list, clicking this button will display the filtering dialog where you can filter the list with these options:

  • Created by – Text search for the user who created the scheduled meeting.
  • Organization unit – Select what organization unit the systems should apply to.
  • Select systems – Only show results for certain systems.
  • Active only – Only show active schedule meetings
  • View all customers – Will show scheduled meetings for all customers if multi tenant is activated.

Meeting details

Click on the title of a meeting in the overview will redirect you to the meeting’s details view where you get an overview of the various information.

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