In addition to external sources, Mividas Rooms address books have support for adding your own manual entries that are provisioned to selected room systems together with all other address book entries.

To manage manual entries, start by navigating to the specific address book via Mividas Rooms > Address books and click on the desired address book. From the address book details view, click on to the “Edit” tab which is located under the address book title to continue.

Page actions

In the top right of the page you will find these different page actions:

Address book manual content

Similar to the list of entries on the start page of the address book, the contents of the address book are displayed in this list, the difference is that only entries that have been manually added are displayed as well as editing options.

The columns of the address book entries consist of the following:

  • Title – Title of the address book entry.
  • Group – The entry group.
  • External – If the post comes from an external source.
  • SIP – Entry SIP address
  • H.323 – Entry H.323 address
  • Actions:
    • – Edit entry
    • – Delete entry


You will find the grouping button ( ) at the top right of the list, clicking this button will display the grouping dialog. Please note that with larger screen resolution, grouping is instead placed to the left of the list for faster access. The available options for grouping is based on the groups defined for the address book

When you have selected either a single or multiple groups then click “Apply” in the dialog to update the list. Note that on larger screen resolution the room system list will be updated directly when changing your selection in the grouping form.

Add single entry

To add a new entry, click on the ( ) icon in the page actions which will show a dialog with a create form. The form contains these available fields:

  • Title – Title of the address book entry.
  • Description – A discription for the entry
  • Group – The entry group.
  • SIP – Entry SIP address
  • H.323 – Entry H.323 address
  • H.323 E.164 alias – Alias for H.323 E.164
  • Phone number – The entry phone number

When you are happy with your wells, then click the “Add” button to add the new entry to your address book.

Add multiple entries

To add multiple entries simultaneously, click on the ( ) icon from the page actions which will show a dialog with a create form whit the same fields as when adding a single entry. The difference is that the form is now table-based where it is easy to enter one entry per line.

Via the dialog you may also add multiple systems from an Excel file (.csv, .xls, .xlsx) and choose the appropriate columns as you import entries. Start by clicking “From Excel” located at the top followed by selecting the file that you want to import.

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